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Weight Loss Methods
Compared + Explained
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Weight reduction, Loose Fat Lose Weight, Critical Success Factors for Weight Loss, Stomach reduction, Simeons hCG-cure for fat-loosing & fat-burning and weight-losing, Exercise-energy, Blocking uptake, Controlling uptake,
Fat Blockers, Enzym-Blockers, Appetite restraining, Lipostat, Electrolipolysis, Lipodrainage, Liposuction, USDA Nutrient Database, Carbo-restricted diets (Atkins, Montignac, Sth Beach), CSIRO high-protein diet, Overweight, Cellulite, Intestine efficiency, Weight Management Targets, Lipostat.
Weight Reduction is based on three simultaneous actions:
1. Set free, loosen, the stored fat from fatcells in subcutaneous fat depots;
2. Burn that mobilized fat;
3. Cut down reloading fat in the fat depots. |
The first action is often neglected.
For instance the popular slogan "Lose weight by restricting to a proper diet and increasing your exercises" assumes that Action 1. comes of its own accord without any specific effort. It will not, or only just.
In the lower part of this page several ways for promoting Action 1. are referred to.
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- A selected-fat and slow-carbohydrate nutrition package
with many fibres and enough micro-nutrients;
- Neutralization of the carbohydrate-splitting body-enzymes;
- Neutralization of the fat-splitting body-enzymes;
- Fat loosing, losing & burning stimulated by the hCG-hormone;
- Fat mobilisation (=displacing) by means of electro-lipolysis.
A different approach is chosen by Zelissen and Mathus-Vliegen 105 ) in their "Proposal for a guideline" for the treatment of overweight and obesity in adults. For the reduction of built-up overweight they focuss on a dietary management of calories taken in, supported by increased physical activity and a behavioural change.
An alternative source is the database of USDA, US Department of Agriculture. See for an Overview of available tables 91 ). For the composition of a specific nutrient, see 92 ). If you want to download the complete USDA Nutrient Database (30MB) see 93 ).
The diets Atkins, Montignac, "South Beach" have in common: fat-oriented _ carbo-restricted.
Dr. Atkins 111 ) was concerned about the growing overweight of US citizens, put down to the growing consumption of sweet carbos. Atkins realized that we have two options for metabolism, one based on Glucose, related to carbo's the other based on Ketones, related to triglycerides (fat). The last metabolism is often called Ketosis, Atkins coined the other one Glucosis. He tries with his diet to push away the Glucosis metabolism to give the Ketosis metabolism a chance. This would facilitate loosing fat from fatcells. Atkins did not reject all carbos. He reasoned that our early ancestors in the Neolithic had a menu of meat from wild animals and fish, no sweet carbos. He came with a low carbo diet, mainly consisting of meat with some fat, and vegetables.
Logically considered, something is missing in this model. Man is an omnivorous mammal equipped with enzymes to digest carbos. From (human) paleontologic studies is known that our far ancestors ate also carbos: berries, some leaves, some roots. Atkins mentioned this too. The missing piece was placed by Montignac who added the GI, Glycemic Index concept (developed by Jenkins, Brand-Miller, Wolever, during the eighties) to the diet. The GI makes clear the different effect of sweet carbos with a high GI-value compared to the berries etc. with a low GI-value, of our ancestors.
The diet model was further improved by cardiologist Dr. Agatston 112 ) who added the distinction in sorts of fat (unsaturated / saturated, particle size, roughly called good and bad fats). He named his version after his dwelling-area Miami, the South Beach diet.
The next thing puzzling scientists is "what happens when you would change the HF/SP, high-fat/ standard-protein ratio of a carbo-restricted diet into a LF/HP, low-fat/ high-protein ratio. This was tried out by Australia's CSIRO, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization. Comparing both diets the effects did not differ much; they both are more effective for weight loss than the earlier low-fat/standard-carbo diets. The trials were done in a female group of 100 and in a mixed group of 75. Results were published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2005 April 113 ) and June 114 ) issues. Common recipees had to be adapted for the F/P ratio. The concept and the recipees are bundled in a book "the CSIRO total wellbeing diet" 115 ) that has been sold widely. So we may expect future group statistics based on research in a large group.
"For a fast body weight reduction, physical activity is inappropriate in obese women and men 123 ). Together with a balanced nutrition, endurance training leads to a longterm weight loss and aids to keep a reduced body weight."